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Within the confines of Aerie City lies the ultimate battleground. Come to Arena to battle and defend for your chance to win Gems Credits Coins Reputation and of course bragging rights!

How Does It Work

Entering the arena places you in the ranking for your REALM.

Arena prefight.

you can then attack 5 people of higher ranking than yourself (unless you are ranked 5th and above then you can attack the top 6 players)

Should you beat the player attacked, their current stake goes to the holding area on the right where you can collect it when the timer runs out. The player in question can attack back, to try to reclaim the stakes also before the timer runs out. Also you take their arena rank and get a small (1-9) point increase in reputation.

Note that without gems you can only hold 2 captured stakes at a time (3 with gems) and should you get more any after the first 2 will just disappear.

What Is Arena

  • stub

What Can I Win

every 1/2 hour you can play and take other peoples stakes.

also based on your rank in arena you gain credits, coins and reputation at 10:00am each day

the amount that is up for grabs, apart from gems, is based on your level and that of your opponent.

  • Reputation (positive if you win, negative if you lose)
  • Chests (contains random item, usually material, but can be a blue star.)
  • Coins
  • Credits
  • Gems (usually 10 but can be 100... and sometimes 1000... but only seen 1000 once)
  • experience

Arena Payout Table

Rank Reputation Credits Coins
1 1000 2,000,0000 5,000,0000
2 800 1,200,000 3,000,000
3 ? ? ?
4 400 600,000 1,500,000
5 ? ? ?
6 ? ? ?
7 ? ? ?
8 ? ? ?
9 ? ? ?
10 ? ? ?
11 and higher 10 15,000 40,000